Arthritis self-management education programs: A meta-analysis of the effect on pain and disabilitY
Asra Warsi1,
Michael P. LaValley2,
Philip S. Wang1,
Jerry Avorn1 and
Daniel H. Solomon1,*
Some reports suggest that education programs help arthritis patients better manage their symptoms and improve function. This review of the published literature was undertaken to assess the effect of such programs on pain and disability.
Some reports suggest that education programs help arthritis patients better manage their symptoms and improve function. This review of the published literature was undertaken to assess the effect of such programs on pain and disability.
Medline and HealthSTAR were searched for the period 1964–1998. The references of each article were then hand-searched for further publications. Studies were included in the meta-analysis if the intervention contained a self-management education component, a concurrent control group was included, and pain and/or disability were assessed as end points. Two authors reviewed each study. The methodologic attributes and efficacy of the interventions were assessed using a standardized abstraction tool, and the magnitude of the results was converted to a common measure, the effect size. Summary effect sizes were calculated separately for pain and disability.
Medline and HealthSTAR were searched for the period 1964–1998. The references of each article were then hand-searched for further publications. Studies were included in the meta-analysis if the intervention contained a self-management education component, a concurrent control group was included, and pain and/or disability were assessed as end points. Two authors reviewed each study. The methodologic attributes and efficacy of the interventions were assessed using a standardized abstraction tool, and the magnitude of the results was converted to a common measure, the effect size. Summary effect sizes were calculated separately for pain and disability.
The search strategy yielded 35 studies, of which 17 met inclusion criteria. The mean age of study participants was 61 years, and 69% were female. On average, 19% of patients did not complete followup (range 0–53%). The summary effect size was 0.12 for pain (95% confidence interval [95% CI] 0.00, 0.24) and 0.07 for disability (95% CI 0.00, 0.15). Funnel plots indicated no significant evidence of bias toward the publication of studies with findings that showed reductions in pain or disability.
The search strategy yielded 35 studies, of which 17 met inclusion criteria. The mean age of study participants was 61 years, and 69% were female. On average, 19% of patients did not complete followup (range 0–53%). The summary effect size was 0.12 for pain (95% confidence interval [95% CI] 0.00, 0.24) and 0.07 for disability (95% CI 0.00, 0.15). Funnel plots indicated no significant evidence of bias toward the publication of studies with findings that showed reductions in pain or disability.
ConclusionThe summary effect sizes suggest that arthritis self-management education programs result in small reductions in pain and disability.
Arthritis represents the leading cause of pain and disability in the US, accounting for 18% of all cases of disability (1) and an estimated $150 billion dollars in health care costs (2). In order to improve patients' understanding of their disease and their health outcomes, the American College of Rheumatology Subcommittee on Osteoarthritis recommended that patient self-management education become an integral part of the treatment plan for patients with osteoarthritis (1). Arthritis self-management education programs have been reported to improve pain and disability and reduce health care costs, and the Arthritis Foundation and US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have recommended arthritis self-management programs as part of the National Arthritis Action Plan (3).
Recommendations for broad dissemination of self-management education programs are based on the perception that such interventions are effective. Indeed, results of a meta-analysis of arthritis self-help programs, conducted by Mullens and colleagues in 1987, suggested that such programs have small-to-moderate effects (4). Those authors analyzed 15 published and unpublished psychosocial trials in adult patients with osteoarthritis and/or rheumatoid arthritis. The summary effect size estimate was 0.21 for pain and 0.10 for disability; based on Cohen's classification of effect sizes, 0.21 would be considered a moderate effect and 0.10 a small effect (5). The effect size is a unitless measure of an intervention's effect and allows one to compare outcomes across many different medical conditions. For example, prednisolone compared with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis was found to have an effect size of 0.63 for joint tenderness (6), and vitamin D with calcium compared with placebo for patients with corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis has an effect size of 0.60 (7).
Mullens et al's evaluation of self-management education programs was based on weighted averages that do not take into account study heterogeneity, nor did those authors assess the possibility of publication bias (4). We conducted an updated systematic review of published studies of arthritis self-management education programs to evaluate the effects of such programs on pain and disability, using meta-analytic techniques that take into account heterogeneity of data.
Arthritis represents the leading cause of pain and disability in the US, accounting for 18% of all cases of disability (1) and an estimated $150 billion dollars in health care costs (2). In order to improve patients' understanding of their disease and their health outcomes, the American College of Rheumatology Subcommittee on Osteoarthritis recommended that patient self-management education become an integral part of the treatment plan for patients with osteoarthritis (1). Arthritis self-management education programs have been reported to improve pain and disability and reduce health care costs, and the Arthritis Foundation and US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have recommended arthritis self-management programs as part of the National Arthritis Action Plan (3).
Recommendations for broad dissemination of self-management education programs are based on the perception that such interventions are effective. Indeed, results of a meta-analysis of arthritis self-help programs, conducted by Mullens and colleagues in 1987, suggested that such programs have small-to-moderate effects (4). Those authors analyzed 15 published and unpublished psychosocial trials in adult patients with osteoarthritis and/or rheumatoid arthritis. The summary effect size estimate was 0.21 for pain and 0.10 for disability; based on Cohen's classification of effect sizes, 0.21 would be considered a moderate effect and 0.10 a small effect (5). The effect size is a unitless measure of an intervention's effect and allows one to compare outcomes across many different medical conditions. For example, prednisolone compared with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis was found to have an effect size of 0.63 for joint tenderness (6), and vitamin D with calcium compared with placebo for patients with corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis has an effect size of 0.60 (7).
Mullens et al's evaluation of self-management education programs was based on weighted averages that do not take into account study heterogeneity, nor did those authors assess the possibility of publication bias (4). We conducted an updated systematic review of published studies of arthritis self-management education programs to evaluate the effects of such programs on pain and disability, using meta-analytic techniques that take into account heterogeneity of data.
Study selection and data abstraction.
Data analysis.
Evaluation for publication bias.
Our search identified 35 potentially eligible trials, of which 18 were subsequently excluded: 2 due to lack of a control group (13, 14), 10 because neither pain nor disability was included as an outcome (15–24), 1 because original data were not described (25), and 5 because the self-management intervention did not have an education component (26–30). The analysis included the remaining 17 trials summarized in Table 1. The mean patient age was 61 years, and 69% of the patients included were female. Of the 4,114 participants in the trials included in this meta-analysis, 19% dropped out of their respective intervention program prior to the final followup (range 0–53%). Most trials recruited patients from primary care or arthritis practices.
Table 1. Arthritis self-management education program trials included in the meta-analysis*
Author (ref.) Arthritis type Study design† Total n % dropout Mean age % female Recruitment site Formal syllabus No. of sessions Program duration, weeks Education mode‡ Program facilitator Behavioral model
- *
OA = osteoarthritis; RA = rheumatoid arthritis; RCT = randomized controlled trial; W = written materials; V = video programming; NA = not applicable to the study, or adequate information not available; SCT = social cognitive theory (of which Bandura's self-efficacy theory [9] is a part); F = face-to-face contact; HE = health educators; T = telephone contacts; RN = registered nurses; FM = fibromyalgia; LE = lay educators; MH = mental health workers; CBT = cognitive behavioral theory; OT = occupational therapists; PT = physical therapists; RD = registered dieticians; MD = physicians; A = audiocassettes.
- †
“Patient,” “location,” and “blocked group” refer to the type of randomization.
- ‡
Primary mode is listed first.
Fries et al (31) OA, RA RCT, patient 1,099 26 64 72 Clinic Yes 2–3 mailings 26 W, V NA SCT
Lindroth et al (32, 44) OA, RA Nonrandom 196 53 61 71 Clinic Yes 6 6 F HE SCT
Mazzuca et al (33) Knee OA Nonrandom 211 22 62 85 Clinic Yes 3 4 F, T RN None
Simeoni et al (34) OA, RA, FM Nonrandom 175 29 66 81 Clinic No 6 6 F, W HE SCT
Weinberger et al (35) OA RCT, patient 439 11 62 88 Clinic Yes Monthly telephone calls and clinic visits up to 44 weeks 44 F, T LE None
Applebaum et al (38) RA RCT, blocked group 18 44 62 11 Clinic Yes 10 8 F MH CBT
Barlow and Wright (39) RA RCT, patient 95 12 58 81 NA No 1 leaflet 1 W NA SCT
Bradley et al (40) RA RCT, patient 68 22 51 81 Clinic Yes 15 15 F, W MH SCT
Cohen et al (41) OA, RA RCT, patient 96 10 66 78 Clinic, ads Yes 6 6 F, W OT, PT, RD, MD SCT
Keefe et al (42, 43) OA RCT, patient 99 6 64 72 Clinic Yes 10 10 F, W, T, A RN, MH CBT
Lorig et al (45,52) OA, RA RCT, location 854 18 64 84 Print ads Yes 6 6 F, W LE SCT
Lorig et al (46) OA, RA RCT, patient 100 15 65 73 Print ads Yes 6 6 F, W LE, PT, MD SCT
Maggs et al (47) Polyarthritis RCT, blocked group 162 7 57 69 Clinic No 1 1 F, W OT None
Parker et al (48) RA RCT, patient 83 0 61 4 Clinic Yes 1-week hospital visit, group visit every 1–3 months 52 F, W, V NA CBT
Radojevic et al (49) RA RCT, patient 65 9 54 76 Clinic Yes 6 6 F, V MH CBT
Riemsma et al (50) RA RCT, blocked group 249 13 58 66 Clinic Yes Education packet: video, audio, book, and “passport” 24 W, V, A RN, PT, MD SCT
Shearn and Fireman (51) RA RCT, patient 105 23 56 76 Clinic No 10 10 F MH None
For 13 studies (76%), there was a description of a formal syllabus for the educational intervention. For 3 of the trials, the Arthritis Self-Help Course was the syllabus described (12). The programs included 1–15 weekly sessions and ranged in duration from 1 week to 52 weeks. Nine were taught using a group format, 6 an individual format, and 1 used both group and individual teaching; the format of 1 program could not be determined. The educational modalities of programs varied greatly, from face-to-face classes to instructional videotapes or audiocassettes. Fourteen (82%) used face-to-face education as the primary instructional method, and all but 4 (76%) used multiple methods of education. Many different types of personnel participated as program facilitators in the trials, including lay educators (3 trials), trained health educators (2 trials), physicians (3 trials), mental health workers of various training (5 trials), physical or occupational therapists (4 trials), nurses (3 trials), and registered dieticians (1 trial). We examined whether interventions were based on named behavioral theories and found that 13 (76%) were based on a referenced behavioral theory (4 [24%] on cognitive behavioral theory and 9 [53%] on social cognitive theory).
The pain and disability effect sizes for each study and the pooled effect are presented in Figure 1. The effect sizes for studies that assessed a patient's pain (n = 16) ranged from −0.32 to 0.55, and for those that assessed disability (n = 12), effect sizes ranged from −0.27 to 0.39. Only 4 studies that assessed pain and 1 that assessed disability had a 95% confidence interval (95% CI) that was above 0.
Figure 1. Estimated effect size (solid circles) on arthritis pain and disability and 95% confidence intervals (horizontal bars), for studies included in the meta-analysis. Vertical line indicates a zero effect size, or equality between control and intervention groups. Values on the left of the vertical line represent trial effects in which the control arm had better outcomes, and values and on the right represent trials in which the self-management education program (SMEP) results were better. Summary effect sizes, calculated using random-effects models, are displayed at the bottom.
The summary effect size revealed a small effect of self-management education interventions on pain (effect size 0.12 [95% CI 0.00, 0.24]) and an even smaller effect on disability (effect size 0.07 [95% CI 0.00, 0.15]). For studies that assessed pain, the Q-statistic P value was 0.004, indicating significant heterogeneity. In contrast, the P value for the Q-statistic of the studies examining disability was 0.4, indicating no evidence of heterogeneity. In sensitivity analyses including data from interim, as opposed to final, end points, the pooled effect size for pain was increased (effect size 0.19 [95% CI 0.11, 0.27]); the results for disability were unchanged.
Subgroup analysis of the 3 studies that most closely resembled the Arthritis Self-Help Course (12) revealed a small, nonsignificant effect on pain (effect size 0.04 [95% CI −0.19, 0.27]) and on disability (effect size 0.10 [95% CI −0.05, 0.24]).
Figure 2. Funnel plots from studies evaluating the effect of arthritis self-management education programs on pain (A) and disability (B). Sample size was plotted against effect size for each study. In the absence of any publication bias, one would expect a symmetric funnel shape, from large studies representing the true effect to smaller studies with more scattered results. If bias occurs and smaller studies with null results are not published, fewer points would be expected on the left side of the funnel. Neither the pain nor the disability plot indicates any firm evidence of publication bias.
Our search identified 35 potentially eligible trials, of which 18 were subsequently excluded: 2 due to lack of a control group (13, 14), 10 because neither pain nor disability was included as an outcome (15–24), 1 because original data were not described (25), and 5 because the self-management intervention did not have an education component (26–30). The analysis included the remaining 17 trials summarized in Table 1. The mean patient age was 61 years, and 69% of the patients included were female. Of the 4,114 participants in the trials included in this meta-analysis, 19% dropped out of their respective intervention program prior to the final followup (range 0–53%). Most trials recruited patients from primary care or arthritis practices.
Author (ref.) | Arthritis type | Study design† | Total n | % dropout | Mean age | % female | Recruitment site | Formal syllabus | No. of sessions | Program duration, weeks | Education mode‡ | Program facilitator | Behavioral model |
| |||||||||||||
Fries et al (31) | OA, RA | RCT, patient | 1,099 | 26 | 64 | 72 | Clinic | Yes | 2–3 mailings | 26 | W, V | NA | SCT |
Lindroth et al (32, 44) | OA, RA | Nonrandom | 196 | 53 | 61 | 71 | Clinic | Yes | 6 | 6 | F | HE | SCT |
Mazzuca et al (33) | Knee OA | Nonrandom | 211 | 22 | 62 | 85 | Clinic | Yes | 3 | 4 | F, T | RN | None |
Simeoni et al (34) | OA, RA, FM | Nonrandom | 175 | 29 | 66 | 81 | Clinic | No | 6 | 6 | F, W | HE | SCT |
Weinberger et al (35) | OA | RCT, patient | 439 | 11 | 62 | 88 | Clinic | Yes | Monthly telephone calls and clinic visits up to 44 weeks | 44 | F, T | LE | None |
Applebaum et al (38) | RA | RCT, blocked group | 18 | 44 | 62 | 11 | Clinic | Yes | 10 | 8 | F | MH | CBT |
Barlow and Wright (39) | RA | RCT, patient | 95 | 12 | 58 | 81 | NA | No | 1 leaflet | 1 | W | NA | SCT |
Bradley et al (40) | RA | RCT, patient | 68 | 22 | 51 | 81 | Clinic | Yes | 15 | 15 | F, W | MH | SCT |
Cohen et al (41) | OA, RA | RCT, patient | 96 | 10 | 66 | 78 | Clinic, ads | Yes | 6 | 6 | F, W | OT, PT, RD, MD | SCT |
Keefe et al (42, 43) | OA | RCT, patient | 99 | 6 | 64 | 72 | Clinic | Yes | 10 | 10 | F, W, T, A | RN, MH | CBT |
Lorig et al (45,52) | OA, RA | RCT, location | 854 | 18 | 64 | 84 | Print ads | Yes | 6 | 6 | F, W | LE | SCT |
Lorig et al (46) | OA, RA | RCT, patient | 100 | 15 | 65 | 73 | Print ads | Yes | 6 | 6 | F, W | LE, PT, MD | SCT |
Maggs et al (47) | Polyarthritis | RCT, blocked group | 162 | 7 | 57 | 69 | Clinic | No | 1 | 1 | F, W | OT | None |
Parker et al (48) | RA | RCT, patient | 83 | 0 | 61 | 4 | Clinic | Yes | 1-week hospital visit, group visit every 1–3 months | 52 | F, W, V | NA | CBT |
Radojevic et al (49) | RA | RCT, patient | 65 | 9 | 54 | 76 | Clinic | Yes | 6 | 6 | F, V | MH | CBT |
Riemsma et al (50) | RA | RCT, blocked group | 249 | 13 | 58 | 66 | Clinic | Yes | Education packet: video, audio, book, and “passport” | 24 | W, V, A | RN, PT, MD | SCT |
Shearn and Fireman (51) | RA | RCT, patient | 105 | 23 | 56 | 76 | Clinic | No | 10 | 10 | F | MH | None |
For 13 studies (76%), there was a description of a formal syllabus for the educational intervention. For 3 of the trials, the Arthritis Self-Help Course was the syllabus described (12). The programs included 1–15 weekly sessions and ranged in duration from 1 week to 52 weeks. Nine were taught using a group format, 6 an individual format, and 1 used both group and individual teaching; the format of 1 program could not be determined. The educational modalities of programs varied greatly, from face-to-face classes to instructional videotapes or audiocassettes. Fourteen (82%) used face-to-face education as the primary instructional method, and all but 4 (76%) used multiple methods of education. Many different types of personnel participated as program facilitators in the trials, including lay educators (3 trials), trained health educators (2 trials), physicians (3 trials), mental health workers of various training (5 trials), physical or occupational therapists (4 trials), nurses (3 trials), and registered dieticians (1 trial). We examined whether interventions were based on named behavioral theories and found that 13 (76%) were based on a referenced behavioral theory (4 [24%] on cognitive behavioral theory and 9 [53%] on social cognitive theory).
The pain and disability effect sizes for each study and the pooled effect are presented in Figure 1. The effect sizes for studies that assessed a patient's pain (n = 16) ranged from −0.32 to 0.55, and for those that assessed disability (n = 12), effect sizes ranged from −0.27 to 0.39. Only 4 studies that assessed pain and 1 that assessed disability had a 95% confidence interval (95% CI) that was above 0.
Figure 1. Estimated effect size (solid circles) on arthritis pain and disability and 95% confidence intervals (horizontal bars), for studies included in the meta-analysis. Vertical line indicates a zero effect size, or equality between control and intervention groups. Values on the left of the vertical line represent trial effects in which the control arm had better outcomes, and values and on the right represent trials in which the self-management education program (SMEP) results were better. Summary effect sizes, calculated using random-effects models, are displayed at the bottom.
The summary effect size revealed a small effect of self-management education interventions on pain (effect size 0.12 [95% CI 0.00, 0.24]) and an even smaller effect on disability (effect size 0.07 [95% CI 0.00, 0.15]). For studies that assessed pain, the Q-statistic P value was 0.004, indicating significant heterogeneity. In contrast, the P value for the Q-statistic of the studies examining disability was 0.4, indicating no evidence of heterogeneity. In sensitivity analyses including data from interim, as opposed to final, end points, the pooled effect size for pain was increased (effect size 0.19 [95% CI 0.11, 0.27]); the results for disability were unchanged.
Subgroup analysis of the 3 studies that most closely resembled the Arthritis Self-Help Course (12) revealed a small, nonsignificant effect on pain (effect size 0.04 [95% CI −0.19, 0.27]) and on disability (effect size 0.10 [95% CI −0.05, 0.24]).
Figure 2. Funnel plots from studies evaluating the effect of arthritis self-management education programs on pain (A) and disability (B). Sample size was plotted against effect size for each study. In the absence of any publication bias, one would expect a symmetric funnel shape, from large studies representing the true effect to smaller studies with more scattered results. If bias occurs and smaller studies with null results are not published, fewer points would be expected on the left side of the funnel. Neither the pain nor the disability plot indicates any firm evidence of publication bias.
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