How can osteopathy help with kyphosis and scoliosis?
What are kyphosis and scoliosis?
Kyphosis and scoliosis are both abnormal curvatures of the spine. A kyphosis is an exaggeration of the normal curve of the thoracic spine, the part that the ribs attach to. A scoliosis is a lateral curvature that can occur throughout the whole spine or at a very localised spot.
Kyphosis and scoliosis can be classified as functional or structural. Structural curves are due to the spine becoming misshapen as it grows, so that the vertebrae become wedge-shaped. Functional curves are very common and are usually very mild, occurring as a result of altered posture, usually due to bad habits, the result of a leg length difference, or in response to altered use of, for example, one arm.
Functional curves may not cause any noticeable side effects, but they will have an effect on the local musculoskeletal structures.
Muscles on the concave side of the curve will tighten, and those on the convex side will lengthen and weaken. This will cause the vertebrae to be pulled closer together and may cause them to become wedge-shaped. Nerves in the area may become more or less sensitive.
The curve may also cause problems in the internal organs, due to crowding or altered blood or nerve flow. Common problems arising from scoliosis include painful or heavy periods, digestive problems and recurrent kidney infections; kyphosis is more likely to cause breathing difficulties, problems in the arms and hands, neck pain, low back pain and headaches. The extent of the problem usually depends on the severity of the curve.
Structural curves tend to be more serious. The most common form of curve is Idiopathic Juvenile Scoliosis, which is usually noticed at about 13 years of age.
If the curve is severe, a GP or Orthopaedic surgeon will monitor its growth to see whether medical intervention is needed. The most common form of intervention is a plastic brace, which helps to prevent the curve progressing too far. If that is not successful, then surgery to insert metal rods between the vertebrae to straighten them may be considered.
In all cases, osteopathy can provide relief for all of the symptoms of kyphosis and scoliosis. In the case of functional curves caused by bad posture, it may be possible to actually correct the curve with a combination of treatment and exercises.
Treatment, consisting of massage, mobilisation and strengthening techniques, is aimed at relieving tight muscles and encouraging the weakened ones to engage and begin to work again and mobilising the spine to relieve pressure on the joints and nerves. Cranial osteopathy may also be used to relieve tension in the deeper tissues of the spine, where the “memory” of altered posture is stored.
Osteopathy for Scoliosis
Scoliosis is a general term meaning a sideways curvature of the spine so that when looking at the spine from the front or the back it would have deviations to one or both sides often in a “C” or “S” shape curve. One shoulder or one side of the pelvis being higher than the other may be a sign of scoliosis.
No one has the ideal spine that is 100% straight, but on occasions a scoliosis can occur which is out of the bounds of comfort for the patient in both pain and social terms. Whether scoliosis can be corrected by your family osteopathic care depends on the individual case. Scoliosis often develops in early teenage years and the earlier you intervene, the easier it is to treat. When scoliosis has been present for a long time, the sideways curvature may not always be corrected, however the function of the spine can, in most cases be improved, thus relieving any pain, discomfort and even the breathing difficulties that may occur.
It is very easy with one or two simple tests for your family osteopath to determine whether a scoliotic spine has a good chance of being resolved or not, so it is best to pop in and talk to your osteopath to find out more.
Scoliosis - A living curve - an osteopathic approach

To give a prescriptive list of areas to treat when faced with a patient with scoliosis is to do an injustice to both osteopathy and the scoliosis. After all, a scoliosis is a general term for a lateral curvature of the spine but a variety of scolioses exist, all of which have unique characteristics that are necessary for the osteopath to consider when assessing, diagnosing and treating.
Idiopathic scoliosis is a scoliosis that has no known pathological cause. Of all the scolioses it is the most worrisome due to its potential compression of the viscera; the lungs and pericardium. The scoliosis begins normally during childhood or adolescence and stops once spinal growth ceases. The scoliosis can be either thoracic, thoraco-lumbar or lumber. It is normally thoracic and is identified by the involvement of the ribs which which produce a so-called "high-side", a phenomena in which the ribs are thrust backwards on the side of the convexity.
Compensatory scoliosis is one where there is nothing intrinsically wrong with the spine per se but rather external forces affect the spine, such as a tilted pelvis from shortened adductor or abductor muscles, a leg-length difference or a fixed abduction or adduction deformity of the hip. Usually, once the cause has been removed, the scoliosis dissappears unless the scoliosis has been left untreated for many years and resulted in tissue shortening around the spine.
Secondary scoliosis is normally secondary to an underlying pathology such as poliomyelitis or cerebral palsy where unequal muscular contracture as a result of the pathology results in extreme angulation of the spine.
Sciatic scoliosis is a temporary form of scoliosis which is normally a person's attempt to protect oneself by reducing pressure on an irritated nerve. Once the acute phase is over the scoliosis normally disappears.
Examination guide for the osteopath:
The osteopathic examination should focus on assessing the movement of the axial skeleton. The osteopath should try and determine to what extent the axial skeleton, that is, the sacrum, the spine, the ribs, the sternum and the cranium are being dragged away from the mid line. The osteopath needs to examine these areas both passively and actively in order to assess which of these areas show most restriction of mobility. It is often the case that the thoraco-lumber area and the cervico-occipital junction display most restriction.
Once the osteopath has observed the axial skeleton, the peripheral areas should be observed. For example, observation of the foot-arches, knees, hips, the pectoral girdles. Osteopathic examination should involve comparing the shoulders and the pelvic girdles, assessing inequality. The osteopath should be aware of the Adam's test, a test which involves flexing the spine forward as if to touch the toes. This test exaggerates the high-side and shows the extent of the scoliosis.
Factors for the osteopath to consider:
The pelvis - The osteopaths needs to observe the pelvis for tilting. A tilted pelvis will result in a lateral curvature of the lumber spine. Therefore the osteopath needs to decide what is causing the imbalance in the pelvis and if necessary to treat the muscles that connect to the pelvis such as the hip adductors and abductors. Similarly the osteopath should check for a leg-length difference.
Pelvic and Shoulder girdles - The osteopath can develop a good understanding of how the body is adapting to the scoliosis by observing the pelvic and shoulder girdles. Any raised shoulder could well be coming from a lateral curvature in the spine. So too a raised posterior superior iliac spine could be causing an imbalance in the spine and shoulders.
Occipital protuberance - The occipital protuberance should be directly above the gluteal crease. Any deviation from the line indicates a lateral curve in the spine.
The diaphragm - The diaphragm should be observed both passively and actively as the patient breaths. The osteopath should check the lower 6 ribs and the upper lumber spine where the crura of the diaphragm attach. A lateral curvature of the spine that involves rotation through the thoracic spine will inevitably affect the ribs and the diaphragm.
From a cranial-osteopathy view much emphasis is placed on a few areas:
The spheno-basilar-symphisis - the body's attempt to overcome the scoliotic changes in the spine results in the cranium shifting in order to keep the vestibular and optic senses balanced. This may mean that the cranium is tilted slightly, causing alteration in the natural position of the occipital condyles. This will then be reflected in the movement of the spheno-basilar-symphisis. The osteopath needs to assess each person individually to check to what degree and in which direction the occipital condyles have adapted and so too, what type of strain is reflected through the spheno-basilar-symphisis.
The abdominal muscles are a doorway to palpating the viscera. So often the lateral curvature of the scoliosis results in compression and compensation of the visceral contents. Using cranial and visceral osteopathic techniques in particular, the abdominal muscles give a good indicator as to the internal changes occurring from the change in weight bearing.
Treatment guide for the osteopath:
The osteopath should mainly focus on the somatic dysfunction that occurs as a result of the scoliosis, paying particular attention to the postural decompensation that occurs. The treatment should then be aimed at focusing as much as possible on restoring the biomechanical changes and helping them do compensate. The osteopath should try to reverse the postural decompensation and try and strengthen any areas that will help strengthen the curve and prevent it from collapsing. Similarly, the osteopath will do well to pay attention to balancing the sacrum and pelvis and as much as possible restoring symmetry. Finally, the osteopath should include work around the neck and cranium in order to remove any possible dysfunction in the proprioceptive units within the cranium.
Idiopathic scoliosis is a scoliosis that has no known pathological cause. Of all the scolioses it is the most worrisome due to its potential compression of the viscera; the lungs and pericardium. The scoliosis begins normally during childhood or adolescence and stops once spinal growth ceases. The scoliosis can be either thoracic, thoraco-lumbar or lumber. It is normally thoracic and is identified by the involvement of the ribs which which produce a so-called "high-side", a phenomena in which the ribs are thrust backwards on the side of the convexity.
Compensatory scoliosis is one where there is nothing intrinsically wrong with the spine per se but rather external forces affect the spine, such as a tilted pelvis from shortened adductor or abductor muscles, a leg-length difference or a fixed abduction or adduction deformity of the hip. Usually, once the cause has been removed, the scoliosis dissappears unless the scoliosis has been left untreated for many years and resulted in tissue shortening around the spine.
Secondary scoliosis is normally secondary to an underlying pathology such as poliomyelitis or cerebral palsy where unequal muscular contracture as a result of the pathology results in extreme angulation of the spine.
Sciatic scoliosis is a temporary form of scoliosis which is normally a person's attempt to protect oneself by reducing pressure on an irritated nerve. Once the acute phase is over the scoliosis normally disappears.
Examination guide for the osteopath:
The osteopathic examination should focus on assessing the movement of the axial skeleton. The osteopath should try and determine to what extent the axial skeleton, that is, the sacrum, the spine, the ribs, the sternum and the cranium are being dragged away from the mid line. The osteopath needs to examine these areas both passively and actively in order to assess which of these areas show most restriction of mobility. It is often the case that the thoraco-lumber area and the cervico-occipital junction display most restriction.
Once the osteopath has observed the axial skeleton, the peripheral areas should be observed. For example, observation of the foot-arches, knees, hips, the pectoral girdles. Osteopathic examination should involve comparing the shoulders and the pelvic girdles, assessing inequality. The osteopath should be aware of the Adam's test, a test which involves flexing the spine forward as if to touch the toes. This test exaggerates the high-side and shows the extent of the scoliosis.
Factors for the osteopath to consider:
The pelvis - The osteopaths needs to observe the pelvis for tilting. A tilted pelvis will result in a lateral curvature of the lumber spine. Therefore the osteopath needs to decide what is causing the imbalance in the pelvis and if necessary to treat the muscles that connect to the pelvis such as the hip adductors and abductors. Similarly the osteopath should check for a leg-length difference.
Pelvic and Shoulder girdles - The osteopath can develop a good understanding of how the body is adapting to the scoliosis by observing the pelvic and shoulder girdles. Any raised shoulder could well be coming from a lateral curvature in the spine. So too a raised posterior superior iliac spine could be causing an imbalance in the spine and shoulders.
Occipital protuberance - The occipital protuberance should be directly above the gluteal crease. Any deviation from the line indicates a lateral curve in the spine.
The diaphragm - The diaphragm should be observed both passively and actively as the patient breaths. The osteopath should check the lower 6 ribs and the upper lumber spine where the crura of the diaphragm attach. A lateral curvature of the spine that involves rotation through the thoracic spine will inevitably affect the ribs and the diaphragm.
From a cranial-osteopathy view much emphasis is placed on a few areas:
The spheno-basilar-symphisis - the body's attempt to overcome the scoliotic changes in the spine results in the cranium shifting in order to keep the vestibular and optic senses balanced. This may mean that the cranium is tilted slightly, causing alteration in the natural position of the occipital condyles. This will then be reflected in the movement of the spheno-basilar-symphisis. The osteopath needs to assess each person individually to check to what degree and in which direction the occipital condyles have adapted and so too, what type of strain is reflected through the spheno-basilar-symphisis.
The abdominal muscles are a doorway to palpating the viscera. So often the lateral curvature of the scoliosis results in compression and compensation of the visceral contents. Using cranial and visceral osteopathic techniques in particular, the abdominal muscles give a good indicator as to the internal changes occurring from the change in weight bearing.
Treatment guide for the osteopath:
The osteopath should mainly focus on the somatic dysfunction that occurs as a result of the scoliosis, paying particular attention to the postural decompensation that occurs. The treatment should then be aimed at focusing as much as possible on restoring the biomechanical changes and helping them do compensate. The osteopath should try to reverse the postural decompensation and try and strengthen any areas that will help strengthen the curve and prevent it from collapsing. Similarly, the osteopath will do well to pay attention to balancing the sacrum and pelvis and as much as possible restoring symmetry. Finally, the osteopath should include work around the neck and cranium in order to remove any possible dysfunction in the proprioceptive units within the cranium.
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