Kinesiotherapy for quality of life, pain and muscle strength of rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus patient. Case report*
1University of Passo Fundo, School of Physiotherapy, Scholarship Grantee, Pibic/CNPQ, Carazinho, RS, Brazil.
2University of Passo Fundo, School of Physiotherapy, Scholarship Grantee, Pibic/CNPQ, Sarandi, RS, Brazil.
3University of Passo Fundo, School of Physiotherapy, São Jorge, RS, Brazil.
4University of Passo Fundo, School of Physiotherapy, Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory, chronic and progressive disease. It impairs joint synovial membranes and may induce bone and cartilage destruction. Many diseases may follow rheumatoid arthritis, including systemic lupus erythematosus, an inflammatory, chronic autoimmune disease with multisystemic manifestations, with periods of remission and exacerbation. This study aimed at reporting kinesiotherapy intervention for quality of life, pain and muscle strength of a patient with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.
Female patient, 49 years old, diagnosed 15 years ago with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. Patient complained of pain on hands, feet and lumbar spine, with irradiation to lower limb and morning stiffness. Tool to measure muscle function was Biodex System3 Pro isokinetic dynamometer in the speeds of 120 and 240° during knee flexion and extension movements, in addition to the Short-Form Health Survey questionnaire and pain evaluation by the visual analog scale.
The study has shown that kinesiotherapybased physiotherapy is effective to relieve pain and improve muscle strength and quality of life of patient with systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis.
Key words: Muscle strength; Pain; Physiotherapy; Quality of life; Rheumatoid arthritis; Systemic lupus erythematosus
Pain is multidimensional and classified as unpleasant sensory and emotional experience1. Muscle and joint pains affect individuals’ functionality, changing their daily routine2. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients often indicate pain as major symptom of the disease3,4.
RA is a chronic, autoimmune, inflammatory disease of unknown etiology which affects joint synovial membranes causing bone and cartilage destruction5. Body joints are symmetrically affected, with further involvement of hands and feet6. It is more prevalent in females and in general develops between the fourth and fifth decades of life7. Because of its chronic and destructive character, it leads to functional limitation and poorer quality of life (QL)8.
Other diseases may follow RA, among them SLE8-10. SLE is a chronic, inflammatory autoimmune disease. It has multisystemic manifestations and unknown etiology, with remission and exacerbation periods11. There is skin, visceral12 and joint13 involvement, in addition to myalgia, osteoporosis14 and pain15, among others.
Physiotherapy is very important for painful patients. Several mechanisms may be influenced by physiotherapeutic techniques, thus contributing for patients’ management16.
So, this study aimed at evaluating pain, muscle strength and QL before and after physiotherapeutic treatment in RA and SLE patients.
Female patient, 49 years old, diagnosed 15 years ago with RA and SLE. Patient complained of pain in hands, feet and lumbar spine with irradiation to lower limb (LL) and morning stiffness. The following drugs were administered during treatment: levothyroxin (88mg) used for hormonal replacement therapy in patients with hypothyroidism of any etiology; prednisone (5mg), used to treat endocrine and musculoskeletal diseases, collagen disorders and dermatologic diseases; enalapril (10mg), used for hypertension and heart failure; and folic acid supplement (vitamin B9), which is an anti-anemia agent.
Evaluation has collected data such as: gender, age, medical diagnosis and associated diseases. Tools were visual analog scale (VAS) and QL questionnaire – Medical Outcomes Study 36 – Item Short-Form Health Survey (SD-36, in addition to isokinetic evaluation.
Muscle function parameters were evaluated with isokinetic dynamometer Biodex System3 Pro (Biodex Medical System, Shirley, NY, USA), electromechanical equipment to quantitatively evaluate physical parameters of muscle function17.
Pain was evaluated with VAS which, according to the American College of Rheumatology, checks pain levels in individuals with rheumatic diseases18.
QL was evaluated with SF-36, applied after previous explanation and answering of questions. SF-36 is made up of 36 items, gathered in physical and mental components19.
Patient was submitted to 15 physiotherapy sessions, during three months, twice a week and lasting 50 min. Protocol was based on kinesiotherapy and consisted of: initial and final blood pressure; global active-passive stretching and with Swiss ball; muscle strengthening of arms flexors, extensors and abductors, elbow flexors and extensors (blue elastic band 3x10); strengthening of ankle plantiflexors and dorsiflexors and ankle inverters and everters (digiflex progressively increasing load); weight unload; balance and proprioception exercises (airex); wrist, ankle and toes joint mobilization; massage therapy on dorsal region and cervical pompage. Post-intervention evaluation was carried out after the last physiotherapy session.
Table 1 shows muscle torque peak of knee flexors pre and post physiotherapy intervention by means of isokinetic dynamometer.
For knee flexion movement, there has been right (RLL) and left (LLL) lower limb torque peak improvement in both speeds. At 120° there has been 202.5% strength improvement in RLL, and in LLL of 175%. At 240° there has been 118.8% improvement for LLL and of 265.7% for RLL.
Table 1 Knee flexors muscle torque peak
Pre | Post | |||
Speeds | Left | Right | Left | Right |
120° | 7.8 | 8.1 | 21.4 | 24.4 |
240° | 10.0 | 8.5 | 21.9 | 30.9 |
Table 2 shows knee extensors muscle torque peak pre and post intervention.
Table 2 Knee extensors muscle torque peak
Pre | Post | |||
Speeds | Left | Right | Left | Right |
120° | 26.7 | 22.3 | 56.8 | 55.9 |
240° | 24.6 | 20.6 | 38.9 | 43.8 |
Results show increased torque peak in both speeds for RLL and LLL. At 120° speed there has been 150.1% improvement for RLL and at 240° it was 112.7%. For LLL there has been 112% improvement at 120º and of 57.8% at 240º. Table 3 shows QL results, obtained with SF-36. First four domains address physical health and four last domains address mental health. Scores vary from zero to 100, where zero is the worst and 100 the best score.
Table 3 Quality of life
Domains | Pre | Post |
Functional capacity | 25 | 40 |
Limitation by physical aspects | 0 | 25 |
Pain | 20 | 50 |
General health status | 27 | 17 |
Vitality | 50 | 35 |
Social aspects | 25 | 15 |
Limitation by emotional aspects | 0 | 4 |
Mental health | 48 | 56 |
There has been general QL improvement and maintenance after physiotherapy. Percentage variation shows major 150% increment on pain domain, followed by social aspects (66.67%) and functional capacity (60%).
When evaluating pre-physiotherapy pain by VAS, patient has reported score 10, and after intervention it was considerably decreased (60%), reaching score 4.
Muscle pain during static contraction decreases painful muscle activity and attenuates synergic muscles ativity20. Abnormal motor behavior is evidenced by changes in performing some activity, because the body compensates other muscles to be able to perform certain movements, thus contributing to worsen pain21.It was observed that both for extension and flexion movements at 120º/s there has been further improvement as compared to 240º/s, showing that as speed increases, torque peak decreases.
In chronic pain, symptoms persist beyond the physiological recovery period of the injured tissue, worsening QL, wellbeing, physical and cognitive capacity. Chronic pain management, differently from acute pain therapies (rest and drugs), is made up by physical exercises and multidisciplinary management22. Intervention with physiotherapy is critical for SLE patients, restoring physical and mental wellbeing and improving QL, because when participating in a regular physiotherapy program, patient has improved her pain with consequent improvement of muscle strength and fatigue parameters, in addition to improving QL in most domains.
Meireles et al.23 have evaluated torque peak, work and potency of 50 individuals with RA and 50 healthy ones, with speeds of 60º/s, 80º/s and 300º/s. They have observed that RA patients had lower values as compared to healthy participants in all variables. This information is in line with results of this case report, where participant had low torque peak values as observed by isokinetic evaluation scores.
As in SLE, a predominant RA symptom is pain24,25, in addition to distal joints edema, stiffness and weakness26. So RA management should be multidisciplinary, including pharmacological, psychological and physiotherapeutic approaches, primarily based on kinesiotherapy24, as proposed for our case, providing a tailored protocol for patient’s needs.
In addition to improving pain and QL, Pereira et al.26 have also observed that physiotherapeutic management of RA should be made of passive exercises in the early phases and of active, isometric and/or isotonic exercises. These exercise programs aim at assuring maintenance, recovery or improvement of joint movement amplitude, strength, muscle stretching and aerobic capacity improvement.
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Received: January 20, 2015; Accepted: April 29, 2015
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